Drama across the Internet ensued when a 15-minute video depicting a severe case of animal abuse was uploaded to Facebook. Thousands of users watched horrified as a toy poodle named Sushi was cruelly forced to stand on two legs, kicked, slapped, and thrown against a wall repeatedly.
To date, 15 police reports have been lodged. An online petition has been set up, demanding justice for Sushi (link). Besides that, the case has caught the attention of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), who has pledged to join the online investigation.
A man named Allen Tam and his girlfriend Doreen Loo are accused of abusing the poor animal. To date, nobody has managed to find their Facebook profile pages. However, in the chaos of grief and outrage, many other people have been mistakenly identified as the accused. As a result, completely unrelated persons have complained of online harassment and threats.
It seems that people are being blinded by their anger and finding the wrong outlets to vent it. I believe that it is for justice to be found via the Internet. However, I feel that this is a difficult task if the thousands of people demanding justice cannot organize themselves out of the irrational anger currently spread across the Internet.
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